If you receive an email with a link to a Webex recording, just click on the link to watch it. There's no player required. Or if you've downloaded a file, get the Webex Player below (file types are .ARF or .WRF) for your operating system.
Watch Over Christmas Download Exe Filel
Here are maps in Garmin image file format people have created from OSM data. Sites are listed by continent, then by country alphabetically, then by suspected usefulness (eg. sites which cover a whole continent and are updated regularly are listed first.) Maps offered worldwide or for a continent are often offering country downloads - hence they are only listed once and not for each region again. As OpenStreetMap is changing fast - only maps updated during the last 6 month should be listed. Permanently Dead links - please remove the entry.
Executables - or .exe. files - are one of the most common types of malware. You will often download .exe files over the internet when installing legitimate software. But, again, if you see them in an unsolicited email, or even from someone you know, give them a wide berth. They will almost certainly contain malware.
Like git lfs clone, git lfs pull downloads your Git LFS files as a batch. If you know a large number of files have changed since the last time you pulled, you may wish to disable the automatic Git LFS download during checkout, and then batch download your Git LFS content with an explicit git lfs pull. This can be done by overriding your Git config with the -c option when you invoke git pull: